Forest and Biodiversity Framework
To ensure and demonstrate that our investments lead to measurable net positive forest and biodiversity outcomes over time, &Green uses its proprietary Forest & Biodiversity Framework (The F&B Framework). The F&B Framework embeds the IFC Performance Standard 6 – which covers how biodiversity should not be negatively impacted by investments – within & Green’s Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) , providing an industry-leading approach to mainstreaming biodiversity into investment decision making.
By applying the F&B Framework, every potential transaction entering &Green’s pipeline will undergo standardized risk screening for both past and future biodiversity risks. For example the conversion of natural or critically important habitats and business management capacity to mitigate biodiversity risks. The screening is informed by leading global datasets, capturing the extent, conditions, and significance of biodiversity-related findings. &Green enhanced its Geographic Information System (GIS) assessment and monitoring system in 2022 with new information layers. New layers allow a detailed spatial land cover analysis and land use historical series as well as numerous biodiversity features. This crucial initial risk assessment step guides the focus of third-party due diligence, enabling us to zoom in on the specific landscape features of interest.

The F&B Framework builds on identified risks to establish and action process that ensures the delivery of creditable and tangible impacts for biodiversity protection and compensation impacts. This process operationalizes &Green’s NDPE policy, aligning with IFC Performance Standards and leading sustainable supply chain frameworks. &Green only invests if biodiversity No Net Loss or, ideally, a Net Gain can be realized. The biodiversity-related commitments are reflected in the LPP and ESAP .
The F&B Framework, featuring standard templates and checklists, ensures high-quality due diligence outputs and nature-positive outcomes across &Green’s portfolio. By adopting the F&B Framework, &Green operationalizes best-in-class standards for biodiversity management, and we establish ourselves as a leader in nature-positive investing.